UK Post-punk 2023

Post-punk is a musical genre that emerged in the late 1970s as a reaction against the dominant sound of punk rock. It is characterized by its experimental and avant-garde approach, which often incorporates elements of art rock, funk, and dub reggae. In recent years, the UK has seen a resurgence of post-punk with a new wave of bands emerging that are adding their own unique twist to the genre. In this essay, I will describe the characteristics of current UK post-punk.


One of the most distinctive characteristics of UK post-punk is its use of angular guitar riffs. These are often repetitive and dissonant, and are used to create a sense of tension and unease. This can be heard in the music of bands such as Shame, who use jagged guitar lines to create a sense of urgency in their music. Another band that employs this technique is Idles, who use angular guitar riffs to create a sense of aggression and confrontation.


Another key characteristic of UK post-punk is its use of rhythm. Many bands in the genre use a driving, propulsive beat that is often influenced by funk and disco. This can be heard in the music of bands such as Squid, who use a syncopated rhythm to create a sense of urgency in their music. Another band that employs this technique is Dry Cleaning, who use a repetitive, insistent beat to create a hypnotic effect.

black midi

UK post-punk also often features unconventional song structures. Many bands in the genre use unusual time signatures, unexpected shifts in dynamics, and unconventional arrangements. This can be heard in the music of bands such as Black Midi, who use complex rhythms and unconventional song structures to create a sense of unpredictability in their music. Another band that employs this technique is Working Men's Club, who use a variety of textures and dynamics to create a sense of excitement and tension in their music.

Sleaford Mods

Lyrically, UK post-punk often deals with themes of social and political commentary. Many bands in the genre use their music as a platform to express their views on current issues such as inequality, capitalism, and Brexit. This can be heard in the music of bands such as Sleaford Mods, who use their music to express their frustration with the state of society. Another band that employs this technique is Fontaines D.C., who use their music to explore themes of identity and belonging.

Black Country, New Road

Another characteristic of UK post-punk is its use of experimentation. Many bands in the genre are not afraid to take risks and push the boundaries of what is considered traditional post-punk. This can be heard in the music of bands such as Black Country, New Road, who use a variety of instruments and textures to create a unique sound. Another band that employs this technique is Squid, who incorporate elements of jazz and electronic music into their post-punk sound.

Dry Cleaning

In terms of production, UK post-punk often has a raw, DIY feel. Many bands in the genre eschew polished production in favor of a more rough-and-ready sound. This can be heard in the music of bands such as Shame, who recorded their debut album in a single day. Another band that employs this technique is Dry Cleaning, who often record their music in a rehearsal space.

Overall, UK post-punk is a genre that is defined by its experimentation, social and political commentary, and raw, DIY production. The current wave of UK post-punk bands are continuing to push the boundaries of the genre, incorporating elements of funk, jazz, and electronic music into their sound. With its angular guitar riffs, unconventional song structures, and driving rhythms, UK post-punk remains a genre that is both challenging and exciting.


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